About Us

Minimalistic Aesthetics Designs

Aircraft tinkering by day and freelance graphic designer by night. Our founder is originally from the island of St. Lucia. He has a unique eye for detail and always wanted to work with my hands. In his mind he believes that creativity is found by finding order in chaos. Creating or designing has always been his go to when he needed to get a break from the day to day hustle and bustles of life.

Our journey started in 2020  when he was furloughed from his day job. He needed to occupy himself during the day. So apart from cooking up a storm in the kitchen or going for some long bike rides, he decided to blow the dust off his sketch pad. He started off with these sketches and the rest is history.


Turboprop Blades 

Toy Robot Sketch


He has a passion for designing and  endeavours to create quality pieces of art by taking a minimalist approach during the creative process. He enjoys seeing his designs on a wide array of products. This is why we consider ourselves a lifestyle brand.

His wife is a cancer survivor. Our family is so grateful that she was able to pull through her original diagnosis. During her journey to recovery we received a lot of support from many local cancers organizations. As a results of all the support we received, we intend to give back to these organization and our community by making monetary donations. Annually we will be making donations from the proceeds obtained from our online store. 

Thank you for supporting our small business 




Definition of Virago by Virago DSigns

Virago is a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities. A woman with physical strength or spirit; a female warrior. A woman with a lot of heart. Today's woman for tomorrows life. In today’s progressive society we would call her a wife, a mother, partner, a sister, a aunt even you boss.

Today's Virago – a woman who is remarkably successful in whatever she decides to do. These are the guiding principles we raise our girls with.

At Virago DSigns we celebrate and support inspiration from both men and women.

Virago DSIgns - Original Logo



Our mission at Virago DSigns is to help inspire and make people happier with art and design.





Thanks for visiting Virago DSigns website. We believe that we can find inspiration all around us. Practicing gratitude every day will make you happier.

I challenge you to try it out, start out by finding one thing that you are grateful for; recite it aloud or internally (aloud has a better effect for me) and see the effects it will have on you.

Practice this every day, it will go a long way for setting your tone and moods throughout the day.

Music Lovers


Paper Planes

Catch the breeze and float in the air. At Virago DSigns we believe that paper planes reflect the freedom that everyone deserves.

Free your mind and free your soul. Find your piece and follow your heart. Think big and dream bigger. Never give up.

Paper Planes


Each piece of apparel is broken down into three elements:

☞ Comfort

☞ Aesthetic

☞ Sustainable manufacturing practices



Thanks for passing by and for following my journey.
I hope to be lucky enough to know and meet you one day.